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Greensburg Salem School District

Message from the Superintendent

Our mission at Greensburg Salem is to empower all children to become contributing and responsible citizens, ready to serve the communities of their future. To empower a child, we understand leading them with love and genuine concern for who they are is essential. Narrow test scores and academic standards alone do not measure success at Greensburg Salem. We will measure and grow every child's character, ability to lead, academic interests and pursuits, and willingness to serve others before themselves. To do so, we model the pillars of Character, Leadership, Scholarship, and Service in everything we do, and we self-reflect with humility to adjust when we fall short. We keep pace with the ever-changing global society, economy, and workplaces to ensure our focus is on our children's future, not our past. 

All children can learn and grow. All children have a place in our future. Our collective responsibility is to ensure our children are prepared academically, mentally, behaviorally, and culturally for their place of contribution in the global community. 

Dr. Kenneth A. Bissell

Superintendent of Schools


Phone: 724-832-2900 - Option #1