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Greensburg Salem School District

Technology Support


Effective integration of technology is achieved when students are able to select technology tools to help them obtain information in a timely manner, analyze and synthesize the information, and present it professionally. The technology should become an integral part of how the classroom functions -- as accessible as all other classroom tools. National education technology standards for students, international society for technology in education

The Greensburg Salem School District Educational Technology Department is focused on providing technology support, professional development, leadership and vision for improving learning and teaching within our schools.  We believe that serving the needs of our school community will create immeasurable dividends by providing students and staff with advanced technical tools to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow both in and out of the classroom.

With access to quality equipment, software, district resources and Internet resources, we provide a gateway for learning by: meeting individual needs, differentiated instructional and learning materials, and access to tools for meeting varied learning styles.  Technology has permeated every aspect of our society and thus we feel that it is our obligation to ensure that students are prepared for advancements that we do not yet even know.

Greensburg Salem School District recognizes that not all students have readily available access to these technologies at home and thus we are committed to providing every student with rich technology experiences at school in preparation for a lifetime of learning and living in the 21st Century.  To leverage our resources, we support and provide a wealth of training for educators using a multi-modal approach that incorporates small group instruction, individual coaching, online training, video training, and summer institutes.

Greensburg Salem School District will partner with All Lines Technology beginning June 28, 2024. Click on the "Service and Support" tab below for information on how to contact All Lines with your technology issues. 

Greensburg Salem School District now has an App!

Available on Apple and Android devices! Click below to download!

Bring Your Own Device

Students must register their personal devices to be used on the school network. To register your own device, fill out the form by clicking the button below.

Bring Your Own Device Registration Form